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Successful Brand Examples

Mel Dowdell February 13, 2022

As we have seen throughout this book, there are many different ways that personal branding can be achieved. Yet they all start with the same foundation. Some brands are more successful than others.

Strong personal brands can be advantageous increasing exposure for any companies or ventures an individual decides to undertake. It is a great foundation for any future products or services.

Think about how many people with strong personal brands have written self help books with their top tips for being successful—with their audiences fawning over the content and swearing by the tips to try and change their lives.

Emulating the success of others can be a great way to bolster your personal branding; just make sure you are not copying it exactly.

Think about your favorite people and the personal branding they have curated. What associations do you have with them? Chances are there are a few key words that spring to mind when you think of them. Now think about why those brand have those associations and what words you want people to think of when they think of you; because, with an effective branding strategy, they will think of you—just safeguard that it is in the way that you want. These key traits are the cornerstone

Some of the most successful brands are also controversial. They are not afraid to alienate a huge portion of the population in order to reach their desired audience. This has been essential to their relevance and achievements.

While, at times, these examples are controversial and do not appeal to everyone, by seeing the success of others it can be easy to recognize areas of your own.
