Lesson 1, Topic 1
In Progress

Public Images

Mel Dowdell February 13, 2022

When you search for yourself online, what comes up? Do you have a common name and get lost in a crowd of other people? Do old posts you made come up? Do you even come up at all?

You should take the time to search for yourself and be thorough! Check your names, and add extra words; including schools, locations, associates, family members and workplaces. You need to know exactly what is out there. Clear your browsing data, use incognito mode, and even get other people to search for you too.

If a drunken picture of you posted on Facebook show up before a professional headshot when you image search, you may have a problem! Remove any controversial posts that you are tagged in or weird, party pictures you uploaded as a teen.

If a potential customer searches for you and see things that do not align with the personal branding you have created, they may take their business elsewhere.
